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Jakub Warchałowski with the workers, photo 1883, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
August Warchałowski and family, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
Seeder, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
Single-axle wheeled, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
Tractor WT40, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
ILA postcard, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
Warchałowski Motoren, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
Huldigungsflug, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
Mosaic by Forester at Villa Dornbacherstr, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria
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ID: spol-000116-P

In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria

ID: spol-000116-P

In the footsteps of the Warchałowski family - pioneers of industry and technology in Austria

Information about the object:
The monograph tells the story of Jakub Warchałowski's contribution to the development of Austrian technology, a pioneer of sewing machine construction in Europe in the 1850s, gas engines in the 1880s, internal combustion engines in the 1890s, and his sons Charles. Adolf, stepfather Joseph and the eldest August, in the 1890s dubbed the founders of an industrial 'empire', active at the dawn of the Great War. The Warchałowski factory employed 2,300 workers and clerks. It developed the production of diesel engines, machinery and equipment for baking, military field kitchens, agricultural machinery, steam engines and armament production. It was the largest privately owned plant in this industry in Austria.

In 1910. Warchałowski created Autoplanwerke, the first aircraft factory in Austria, with Adolf, the designer of 11 types of aircraft, as its designer. Alongside Igo Etrich, the Warchalowskis played a role as pioneers of Austrian motor aviation. August was also a pioneer of the refrigeration industry, and his business was successfully continued by his sons Viktor and Rudolf until 1984.

The Warchalowskis were repeatedly honoured with the highest distinctions of the Austrian monarchy and republic, and a street (Warchalowskigasse) was also dedicated to Adolf. In addition to supplementary queries, due to pandemonium conducted by correspondence (especially in the collections of the Patent Office of Austria and the archives of the city of Wiener Neustadt), consultations (by correspondence) with historians of Austria and the Czech Republic were carried out, necessary for the proper distribution of the book's emphasis.

Completed work:
The result of the project is the publication of a monograph on the significance of three generations of the Warchałowski family in the development of Austrian industry and technology. The monograph evokes the cultural works that bear a record of the family's activities and which function in the cultural landscapes of Vienna and Wiener Neustadt. The legacy of the Warchałowskis is almost unknown, both in Poland and Austria. The book disseminates knowledge of the Warchałowski legacy and provides a basis for the active preservation and popularisation of the cultural heritage of Polish emigration. In addition, the project was supplemented by two lectures on the subject (6 sessions).

The publication fills a gap in research - no monograph has been published to date. It is based on a rich source base: the technical periodicals of Austria, Germany, France and Russia, the catalogues of the World Exhibitions of 1862 and 1874, the daily press of Vienna and Wiener Neustadt, the collections of the Aviation Archive in and the Museum of Technology in Vienna, especially the hitherto unavailable family and factory archives of August Warchalowski and his sons in 1984, the accounts of Witnesses to History - Viktor and Rudolf, and sources in the hand of Peter Warchalowski.

Popularising the Warchalowskis' achievements, the Foundation organised two lectures in Poland. The achievements of the Warchalowskis were presented against the broader background of the inventiveness of Polish emigration in the 19th century.

Funding: Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage "Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad".

More about the project:

  • Fundacja Otwartego Muzeum Techniki, realizacja w roku 2021.
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