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ID: NGR-014104-P

Tombstone N.N.

The burial place marked by a cross on a two-stepped plinth and three-stepped base, two gravestones added to the front. The cross is bevelled, on its own profiled plinth, the arms ending in caps, at the intersection a relief carved figure of Christ with a perisonium on his hips and his head resting on his right shoulder, above a nailed titulus. First step of plinth with moulded upper edges. The second step finished with a simplified beam and covered with a wider, four-sided panel, on the front a panel enclosed with a segmental arch, on the sides niches enclosed with a full overhanging arch, in the right relief the effigy of St. Joseph in a long robe and cloak, short hair, beard, with his right hand supporting the infant, and with his left holding a lily, below an engraved signature 'S. JUZEF'. In the left niche a relief of the Virgin Mary on a pedestal with her hands crossed on her breast, long dress, mantle, wavy hair to her shoulders, below the engraved signature 'MOTHER OF GOD'. Plates tapering downwards, engraved cross.
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de secteur 11b Numéro de la tombe 43
309 x 161 x 300 cm
Additional dimensions:
finial: 110x 60x26 (cm)
State of preservation:
mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities, inscription illegible/not preserved
Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:
inscription completely obliterated
  • „Cmentarze dawnego województwa tarnopolskiego badania inwentaryzacyjne„”, katalog on-line, opr. Anna Sylwia Czyż i Bartłomiej Gutowskim, , dostęp on-line, 95379.
  • „Polski cmentarz w Zbarażu. Inskrypcje nagrobne”, red. Alina Skrzypczak, Ireneusz Skrzypczak, Rzeszów 2010.
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
Magda Lucima, Monika Kowalik
Development / approval of the documentation sheet:
Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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