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ID: POL-002087-P

Church in Čajkowice

Historical outline
Chaikovice is located south of Rudki, on the left side of the Dniester. The village was first mentioned in 1349 and in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries belonged to Tadeusz Szczepański, Józef Białoskórski, the Bales and the Turns, among others. It is difficult to determine under which parish Czajkowice fell. Different sources contain different data. What is known for sure is that in 1905, when an expatriate parish was established in Pohorce, Chajkovice became part of it. A certain Bialoskórski founded a wooden chapel in the village in 1889. In the 1930s the construction of a brick church building began, but it was not completed. It also failed to open an independent parish in the village.

After the Second World War, the unfinished brick church was used as a kolkhoz warehouse. Today it is falling into disrepair.

The brick church was built on a rectangular ground plan. It is an object that immediately draws attention with its simple, massive, almost fortified character. It consists of a single nave and a smaller and narrower rectangular porch.

What draws attention in the façades is the high plinth, which is capped with a capitular cornice. According to Marek Wójcik, the façade was crowned with a stepped gable. In the present shape of the ruins, the stepped accent is not clearly visible. The parts of the walls above the plinth are divided by narrow lisens. In the side elevations, the attention is drawn to the rectangular windows, which were grouped in pairs. Today they are mostly bricked up. The gabled roof was covered with tiles. At present, the building no longer has a roof (as of November 2023) and is falling into deeper and deeper decay.

It is difficult to say what the interior of the building looked like or was supposed to look like. Until the 1990s, the structure of the building was still preserved in relatively good condition. However, it is impossible to clearly assess which of the missing elements have deteriorated over time and which were not completed during construction.

Time of origin:
  • Jerzy T. Petrus „Kościół filialny w Chłopach.” W: „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Cz. 1: Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego” T. 7. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury w Krakowie, 1999, s. 41-41.
Ostatnia aktualizacja:
Michał Dziadosz
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