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ID: dok-000247-P

Cemetery in Hodovica

Hodowica | Ukraine
ukr. Hodowycia (Годовиця)
ID: dok-000247-P

Cemetery in Hodovica

Hodowica | Ukraine
ukr. Hodowycia (Годовиця)
The Catholic cemetery in Hodovica is located on the eastern outskirts of the village. It is still active, although the old part (containing mostly Polish tombstones) is neglected and overgrown.

The gravestones grow directly out of the turf, making the cemetery a typical village cemetery. Many of them are devoid of crosses or inscriptions. There are also no gravestones of particular artistic value. They are mostly built of stone, topped with crucifixes or figures of saints or angels. Some of them have figures of saints in niches.

However, according to Hauser, the most noteworthy tombstones are "a rock topped with a statue of St Joseph with Child on the grave of Józefa Chmiel (d. 1938)" or "a stone cross entwined with drapery on the grave of Tekla Jełowicka".

Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).
  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. III, „Dawna Małopolska Wschodnia. Województwo lwowskie (część wschodnia)", Kraków 2007, s. 93.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Wiktoria Grabowska
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