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ID: NGR-009412-P

Tombstone of Józef Lejk

Burial place marked by a cross on a plinth with a band in the form of a coffin lid. Cast-iron, slatted, openwork cross with arms ending in an overhanging donkey arch motif. On the front a plaque in the form of a coat-of-arms cartouche with an engraved inscription. The whole was originally enclosed by a fence of four posts connected by chains.
Ś.P. / JÓZEF / LEJEK / ZM. D 18 / 31 LIPCA 1900R. / LAT 63 / ZDROWAŚ MARYA //.
Related persons:
Time of origin:
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de secteur 11e (Stara Rossa) Numéro de la tombe 69
52 x 43 x 160 cm
Additional dimensions:
cross 80 X 75 X 2,5
concrete/jewel concrete, cast iron
Additional Information about materials:
finial material cast iron, base plate material concrete
Additional information:
the finial lost, driven into the ground.
State of preservation:
mosses, lichens, fragmented structure, cavities
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
Karolina Kuzka, Dominika Macios
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