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ID: dok-000506-P

Nieżyno cemetery

Nieżyn | Ukraine
ukr. Niżyn (Ніжин)
ID: dok-000506-P

Nieżyno cemetery

Nieżyn | Ukraine
ukr. Niżyn (Ніжин)

The Polish cemetery in Nijin is located in the south of the town on the left side of the main road, near the pond. It is very small, occupying an area of about 200 square metres surrounded by a new fence. Two slabs have survived on it, including one with a legible inscription of Elżbieta Ługownikowa, who died in 1904. Zbigniew Hauser reports that in the 1980s there were many magnificent marble tombstones here, but they have been stolen, In memory of the Poles buried in Nezhyn, a monument with an inscription in Polish and Ukrainian has been erected in the symbolic area of the cemetery http:// .

Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).

  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. IV, „Województwa: wołyńskie, podolskie, bracławskie i kijowskie”, Kraków 2009, s. 506.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Alicja Czuber-Filonik
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