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Tombstone of Wladyslawa Dniestrzanska, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Weronika Chrósny
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tombstone of Władysława Dniestrzanska
Inscription on the tombstone of Wladyslawa Dniestrzanska, Ternopil cemetery, 2016 status, photo Weronika Chrósny
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tombstone of Władysława Dniestrzanska
Signature of the artist on the tombstone of Wladyslawa Dniestrzanska, cemetery in Ternopil, as of 2016, photo Weronika Chrósny
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tombstone of Władysława Dniestrzanska
ID: NGR-011710-P

Tombstone of Władysława Dniestrzanska

Burial site marked by a cross on a three-tier base and two-tier plinth. Cross broken in half, moulded cross plinth cracked and reinforced with metal fittings. The steps of the bases simple with a glazed surface. The first step of the plinth in the form of 2 stepped steps. The second step of the pedestal steps into a narrower structure, repeating the projection of the pedestal. On the front, in the upper right corner, the signature 'Karol BEREZOWSKI'. The plinth is finished with a simplified beam.


WŁADYSŁAWA / z Wiśniewskich / DNIESTRZAŃSKA / + 5. WRZEŚNIA 1881 R. [.//]

Time of origin:
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de secteur 6b Numéro de la tombe 2
217 x 228 x 215 cm
Ceator's signature:
Berezowski Jan Karol (zakład kamieniarski; Tarnopol, Ukraina)(aperçu)
State of preservation:
mosses, lichens, cracks, fragmented structure
Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

cracked cross and its upper arms not preserved, cracked base of the cross

  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, nr 14691.
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
dr Magdalena Olszewska, Weronika Chrósny
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