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Tomb of the Piečka and Waszutów families, Karviná Doły cemetery, photo Julia Maciejewska, Domaine public
Photo montrant Tomb of the Pieczka and Waszutów families
Tomb of the Piečka and Waszutów families, Karviná Doły cemetery, photo Julia Maciejewska, Domaine public
Photo montrant Tomb of the Pieczka and Waszutów families
Tomb of the Piečka and Waszutów families, Karviná Doły cemetery, photo Julia Maciejewska, Domaine public
Photo montrant Tomb of the Pieczka and Waszutów families
Tomb of the Piečka and Waszutów families, Karviná Doły cemetery, photo Julia Maciejewska, Domaine public
Photo montrant Tomb of the Pieczka and Waszutów families
ID: NGR-013015-P

Tomb of the Pieczka and Waszutów families

Tomb marked by a tombstone with a cross at its head on a stele and plinth. The stele with a niche closed with a semicircle, in it an engraved inscription (1). In the triangular top of the stele there is a ceramic tondo with a relief image of Mary surrounded by an engraved motif of branches. The stele surmounted by a triangular gable and a gabled roof surmounted by a cross. The side finials covered by pulpit roofs. On the two pedestals of the stele are engraved inscriptions (from the bottom 3, 4).


1. Tu / odpoczywa w Panu / LUDWINA / PIECZKOWA / *17./9.1860. + 3./5.1927. / FRANCISZEK / * 30.9.1887 + 22.5.1954 / WIKTORIE / * 3. 12.1885 + 21.7.1961 //.
2. WASZUTOWIE / WALERIE | FRANTIŠEK / + 5.7.1980 | * 23.3.1908 + 29.7.1985 //.
3. O Jezu dobry i nasz Panie / daj Im lekkie odpoczywanie. //.

Time of origin:
ca. 1928
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de secteur 2 Numéro de la tombe 18
245 x 116 x 281 cm
marble, concrete/jewel concrete, terrazzo, ceramics
Additional Information about materials:
band - concrete; cover - terrazzo; stele, cross, plinth and base - marble; tondo - ceramic
State of preservation:
mosses, lichens
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
Walczak Gabriela, Julia Maciejewska
Development / approval of the documentation sheet:
Bartłomiej Gutowski
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