Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial
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ID: WOJ-000176-W/90360 (BY-0069)

Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial

ID: WOJ-000176-W/90360 (BY-0069)

Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial

In the Borek forest near Berezwecz (now within the limits of the town of Głęboka), the Germans carried out numerous executions during the Second World War. In one of them, on 4.03.1942, three Catholic priests, Mieczysław Bohatkiewicz, Władysław Maćkowiak and Stanisław Pyrtek, among others, were executed. In 1999, these priests were proclaimed blessed by Pope John Paul II. In addition to priests, civilians and prisoners of other nationalities (Gypsies, Italians, Soviets), as well as Jews from the ghetto in Głębokie, were also executed. Another execution, about which information is preserved in documents, took place on 4.07.1942. At least 20 people were then killed, including representatives of the Polish intelligentsia and subsequent Catholic priests. Not all the names of the victims have been established. In the forest where the graves of the victims of German (and also Soviet) terror are located, various communities have put up commemorations to their fallen. There is an Italian, a Jewish, a Soviet and a Polish commemoration. A memorial to the Poles executed by the Nazis in 1942 was erected in 1999 with funding from the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Remembrance. On 24.06.2000 its unveiling and consecration took place. It is a massive stone cross with an Image of Our Lady of the Dawn Gate at the intersection of the arms and an inscription on the pedestal; on either side of the cross lie two inscription boards: one with the names of the priests shot in March 1942, the other with the names of the victims shot in the July execution. The inscription on the pedestal: "To the memory of the Polish victims of Nazism 1942". On the right plaque: "Priests executed on 4 March 1942: / Blessed Mieczysław Bohatkiewicz / Blessed Władysław Maćkowiak / Blessed Stanisław Pyrtek / beatified on 13 June 1999 by Pope John Paul II / ... God, You called the priests / Mieczysław, Stanisław and Władysław / to preach the Gospel, to which they remained faithful until their martyrdom". On the left plaque: "Shot dead on 4 July 1942: / Bojarski / Irena Brzostowska / Ireneusz Doboszyński / Rev. Romuald Dronicz / Kazimierz Erdman / Edmund Kluczyński / Kazimierz Krasowski / Rev. Bolesław Maciejewski / Rev. Adam Masiulanis / Jadwiga Mikulska / Karol Mikulski / Wanda Piłsudska / Józef Poniatowski / Rev. Antoni Skórko / Stanisław Soroko / Władysław Wieczorek / Adam Wiśniewski / and others NN". The Polish memorial is looked after by Catholics from Głębokie.



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Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Galerie de l\'objet +5
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Galerie de l\'objet +5
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Galerie de l\'objet +5
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Galerie de l\'objet +5
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Galerie de l\'objet +5
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Photo montrant Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial Galerie de l\'objet +5
Grave of civilians and priests executed by the Germans, commemorated by a memorial, photo MKiDN, 2017

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