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ID: NGR-014247-P/98118

Tombstone of Jan Bulwas, Maria Bulwas, Nina Bulwas, Stanislaw Bulwas, Stanislaw Bulwas, Vytautas Bulwas Olga Gorjunova-Larichova, Vasily Gorjunov, Albertina Laudinskaya, Wanda Larichew, Nina N.N., Stanislaw N.N.

St Michael's Cemetery in Riga
ID: NGR-014247-P/98118

Tombstone of Jan Bulwas, Maria Bulwas, Nina Bulwas, Stanislaw Bulwas, Stanislaw Bulwas, Vytautas Bulwas Olga Gorjunova-Larichova, Vasily Gorjunov, Albertina Laudinskaya, Wanda Larichew, Nina N.N., Stanislaw N.N.

Burial place marked by a stele on the base, in front of which is a band. Stele with semicircular upper corners, on front an engraved inscription (1). On the base an engraved inscription (2).


(1) + / BULWAS / JAN I STANISŁAWA Z LAUDYŃSKICH / 1865.-11. I. 1907. 27 XI 1870.-21. X 1925. / RODZINA / WITUŚ 1. II 1901.-29. III 1905. MARUŚIA 3. III 1903.-24. III 1904. / NINA 24. VI 1905.-29. XI 1913. STANISŁAW 10. V 1896.-8. I 1977. / WANDA ZAMĘŻNA ŁARICZEWA 7. X 1898.-7. IX 1978. / ALBERTYNA LAUDYŃSKA 1823.-1. XI 1908. / GRÓB NINY I STANISŁAWA / OLGA GORJUNOWA-ŁARICZOWA 1924-2006. //.
(2) WASILIJ GORJUNOW / 1. 4. 1923 19.9.2011. //.

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 20 Numéro de la tombe 9


85 x 100 x 24 cm

Additional dimensions:

headband: 8 x 90 x 124


dark magmatic rocks (basalt, diabase, gabbro, monzonite and others)


Date of documentation:




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Author of the documentation sheet:

dr Magdalena Olszewska
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