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ID: NGR-007157-P/71762

Tombstone of Matthew Dowmont Siesicki

Rossa Cemetery in Vilnius
ID: NGR-007157-P/71762

Tombstone of Matthew Dowmont Siesicki

Burial place marked by cross on plinth. Cross with doubled face, on plinth. At the intersection of the arms the mounts of the figure of Christ are visible. Plinth slightly tapering towards the top. In front a panel with quarter-circle chamfered corners with engraved inscription, below a panel with relief carved Hippocentaurus coat of arms. The whole was originally enclosed by a fence, shared with gravestone no. 009, consisting of eight cylindrical pedestals connected by an iron chain.


Tu spoczywają zwłoki / Ś. P. / Mateusza Dowmonta / SIESICKIEGO / 6. Prezydenta Wilkomirskiego / zm. r. 1849 Września 14 d. / Głaz ten skropiony łzami sierocemi / Córki poświęcają ojcu najlepszemu / Z nim dla nich szczęście umarło na ziemi / A dusze ich tęskną i dążą ku niebu. //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 4b (Old Rossa) Numéro de la tombe 8


199 x 67 x 70 cm

Additional dimensions:

fencing: 70 x 350 x 290


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), concrete/jewel concrete

Additional Information about materials:

iron and gronite fencing

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cavities

Date of documentation:




Author of the documentation sheet:

Bolesław Gałkowski, Dominika Macios
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