Tombstone of the Polakov family, Karviná-Doly cemetery, as of 2022., photo Irena Żółtowska, Domaine public
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Polakov family
Fragment of a tombstone of the Polakov family, Karviná-Dole cemetery, as of 2022., photo Irena Żółtowska, Domaine public
Photo montrant Tombstone of the Polakov family
ID: NGR-011018-P/83023

Tombstone of the Polakov family

Burial place marked by a stele on a double plinth. Stele preceded by a slab covering the grave cellar. Rectangular stele with an engraved inscription on its front side. On the left side there is a higher pedestal with an engraved cross. On the right side there is a low pedestal on which one can see the fastening from above (screw).


RODZINA POLAKOWA / ALŻBIETA / *14. 11. 1894 † 9. 5. 1931 / FRANCISZEK / *21. 4. 1892 † 22. 4. 1964 //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1964 - 1967

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 4 Numéro de la tombe 8


150 x 110 x 240 cm


dark magmatic rocks (basalt, diabase, gabbro, monzonite and others), terrazzo

State of preservation:

mosses, lichens, cracks


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Magdalena Jaroć, Irena Żółtowska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of the Polakov family, Karviná-Doly cemetery, as of 2022. Photo montrant Tombstone of the Polakov family Galerie de l\'objet +1
Tombstone of the Polakov family, Karviná-Doly cemetery, as of 2022., photo Irena Żółtowska, Domaine public
Fragment of a tombstone of the Polakov family, Karviná-Dole cemetery, as of 2022. Photo montrant Tombstone of the Polakov family Galerie de l\'objet +1
Fragment of a tombstone of the Polakov family, Karviná-Dole cemetery, as of 2022., photo Irena Żółtowska, Domaine public

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