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Dokumentacja i inwentaryzacja rzymskokatolickiego cmentarza i kaplicy cmentarnej w Dublanach k. Sambora w Ukrainie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca Documentation of the Roman Catholic cemetery and cemetery chapel in Dublany
Dokumentacja i inwentaryzacja rzymskokatolickiego cmentarza i kaplicy cmentarnej w Dublanach k. Sambora w Ukrainie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca Documentation of the Roman Catholic cemetery and cemetery chapel in Dublany
Dokumentacja i inwentaryzacja rzymskokatolickiego cmentarza i kaplicy cmentarnej w Dublanach k. Sambora w Ukrainie, photo 2021, all rights reserved
Źródło: Instytut Polonika
Fotografia przedstawiająca Documentation of the Roman Catholic cemetery and cemetery chapel in Dublany
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ID: spol-000133-P

Documentation of the Roman Catholic cemetery and cemetery chapel in Dublany

ID: spol-000133-P

Documentation of the Roman Catholic cemetery and cemetery chapel in Dublany

Information about the object:
The Catholic cemetery was the burial place of local Poles. The church, which used to be adjacent to the cemetery, was blown up during the Soviet era and the Polish population was largely murdered or driven away. A chapel and a significant number of gravestones remain in the cemetery.

The cemetery is currently closed, but services and catechesis in Polish are held in the cemetery chapel.

Completed works:
The task included inventorying the Roman Catholic cemetery and cemetery chapel in Dublany near Sambor.

The task included: archival searches in Poland and Ukraine; preparatory work (clearing the site to enable the inventory to be made); a greenery inventory and a dendrological expert opinion, which determined the condition of the stand with a view to its future maintenance and any necessary cuttings. An architectural and building inventory of the cemetery and chapel was carried out; an assessment of the technical condition of the buildings was carried out; a survey map was prepared and a conservation inventory was drawn up, as well as a preliminary conservation opinion on the way forward and indications for the development of a programme of future conservation work.

Funding: the Programme of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage 'Protection of Cultural Heritage Abroad'.

More about the project:

  • Towarzystwo Miłośników Lwowa i Kresów Południowo-Wschodnich w Bytomiu, realizacja w roku 2021.
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