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Solidarity Stone in Tallinn, photo Aneta Prętkowska, 2023
Licencja: CC BY-SA 4.0, Źródło: Instytut Polonika, Warunki licencji
Fotografia przedstawiająca Solidarity Stone in Tallinn
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ID: pol_info-000105-P

Solidarity Stone in Tallinn

Tallinn | Estonia
od 1219 do 1918 Rewel
ID: pol_info-000105-P

Solidarity Stone in Tallinn

Tallinn | Estonia
od 1219 do 1918 Rewel

Solidarity Stone in Tallinn. The monument consists of two parts: a stone engraved with the inscription SOLIDARITY in Estonian - SOLIDAARDUS, and a slab a few metres in front of it with an inscription in three languages: Estonian, English and Polish. The stone was unveiled on 20 August 2010, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the trade union. The monument was funded by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and created by Estonian sculptor Aime Kuulbush.

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Time of origin:
Aime Kuulbush
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