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Graves of Home Army soldiers, photo Rada OPWiM, 2007
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Fotografia przedstawiająca Graves of Home Army soldiers
Graves of Home Army soldiers, photo Rada OPWiM, 2007
Licencja: all rights reserved
Fotografia przedstawiająca Graves of Home Army soldiers
Graves of Home Army soldiers, photo Rada OPWiM, 2007
Licencja: all rights reserved
Fotografia przedstawiająca Graves of Home Army soldiers
Graves of Home Army soldiers, photo Rada OPWiM, 2007
Licencja: all rights reserved
Fotografia przedstawiająca Graves of Home Army soldiers
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ID: WOJ-000143-W (LT-0410)

Graves of Home Army soldiers

Sużany | Lithuania
lit. Sužionys
ID: WOJ-000143-W (LT-0410)

Graves of Home Army soldiers

Sużany | Lithuania
lit. Sužionys
Tadeusz Adamowicz, pseud. "Lew", and Jerzy Radwan-Łomiński, pseud. "Rola", killed in March 1944 during the attack of the "Blyskawica" unit on the Lithuanian post in Dubinki, were buried at the cemetery. Also buried here was Zygmunt Perwejnis, killed during a skirmish with the NKVD in May 1945. Zygmunt Perwejnis, pseud. "Mściwój". The location of the graves was difficult to establish. Personal details were also not known precisely. Establishing personal data and the location of the graves took more than 3 years. Finally, on 12.07.2005, the ceremonial unveiling of the new grave monuments took place, which were funded by the inhabitants of Suzan and the local government.The grave of Perwejnis is located on the right side of the main alley, at the height of the third large tree; it is an earth grave, at its head rises a granite plaque with the inscription: "Here rests Ś. P. Zygmunt Perwejnis "Mściwój" born 1920 Soldier of "Błyskawica" Detachment, 6th Wileńska Brigade of the Home Army. Fallen in this cemetery in May 1945 in a skirmish with NKVD. Honour his memory! From the inhabitants of Suzhany, the local government of the Vilnius region, the district of Suzhany".The common grave of Adamowicz and Radwan-Lodziński is located in the left part of the cemetery, in the second row (counting from the fence along the road); on this grave the same plaque is placed as on the grave of Perwejnis. The inscription reads: "Here rests Ś.P. Tadeusz Adamowicz "Lew", Jerzy Radwan - Łodziński "Rola", Soldiers of the "Blyskawica" Detachment of the 6th Wileńska Brigade of the Home Army. Fallen on March 4, 1944 while fighting the enemy. Honour their Memory! From the inhabitants of Suzhany, local government of the Vilnius region, Suzhany district".There are symbolic graves of these soldiers in the Akovo cemetery in Koleśniki, but only Tadeusz Adamowicz is listed there under his proper name. The other two are listed as NN "Rola" and NN Orliński pseud. "Mściwy".
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