Grave of a Polish officer in Mirogoj cemetery, photo B. Gutowski, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of a Polish officer in the Mirogoj cemetery
Grave of a Polish officer in Mirogoj cemetery, photo B. Gutowski, 2023
License: all rights reserved
Photo showing Grave of a Polish officer in the Mirogoj cemetery
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ID: WOJ-000427-W/149610 (HR-0004)

Grave of a Polish officer in the Mirogoj cemetery

ID: WOJ-000427-W/149610 (HR-0004)

Grave of a Polish officer in the Mirogoj cemetery

In the Jewish section of the Mirogoj Cemetery in Zagreb, the grave of Polish Army officer Ignacy Schrenzel has been preserved. According to the information contained in "Materials for the History of the Polish Army" by T. Kryski-Karski, he was a second lieutenant in the reserve of sappers. He died in Zagreb and the cause of his death was suicide. The circumstances under which he found himself in Zagreb are not known, it can only be assumed that he arrived there from Hungary or Romania, like other Polish refugees. The tombstone bears an inscription in Croatian: "OVDJE POČIVA ŽRTVA FAŠIZMA / PORUČNIK WOJSK POLSKICH / ING IGNACY SCHRENZEL / ROD. 28.V.1899. UMRO. 8.VIII.1940" [Here rests a victim of fascism / lieutenant of the Polish Army / ing Ignacy Schrenzel / born. 28.v.1899, died 8.8.1940]. The gravestone was certainly created after the end of the Second World War, presumably during the existence of Yugoslavia, as indicated by the term "victim of fascism" used in the inscription.



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Grave of a Polish officer in Mirogoj cemetery Photo showing Grave of a Polish officer in the Mirogoj cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Grave of a Polish officer in Mirogoj cemetery, photo B. Gutowski, 2023
Grave of a Polish officer in Mirogoj cemetery Photo showing Grave of a Polish officer in the Mirogoj cemetery Gallery of the object +1
Grave of a Polish officer in Mirogoj cemetery, photo B. Gutowski, 2023

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