Tombstone of the Abrahamovich family - after the completion of conservation work, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved
Photo showing Abrahamovich family tomb in Chernivtsi cemetery
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ID: POL-000415-P/71205

Abrahamovich family tomb in Chernivtsi cemetery

ID: POL-000415-P/71205

Abrahamovich family tomb in Chernivtsi cemetery

The tomb of the Abrahamovichs in the Chernivtsi cemetery is one of the oldest in the cemetery. The tombstone is the burial place of the Armenians, Christopher Abrahanovich, owner of the estate in Hliboka, and his wife Teresa Abrahamovich, née Ehrl. During conservation work in 2021, the tomb was, among other things, cleaned of chemical and biological build-up and the limestone elements of the tombstone were strengthened.



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Tombstone of the Abrahamovich family - after the completion of conservation work
Tombstone of the Abrahamovich family - after the completion of conservation work, photo Instytutu Polonika, all rights reserved

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