St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár, photo Andrzej Pawłowski, 2023
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Fototeka Instytutu Polonika, License terms and conditions
Photo showing St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár
Memorial plaque on the Church of St Vladislav in Sárvár, photo Oxmon, 2013
License: CC BY 3.0, Source: Wikimedia Commons, License terms and conditions
Photo showing St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár
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ID: POL-001486-P/139883

St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár

ID: POL-001486-P/139883

St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár

In Sárvár, Western Hungary, in the Vas Comitat, there is the Roman Catholic Church of King St. Ladislaus. It was founded by Franz Nádasde in 1645. It was destroyed during the Rákóczi uprising and rebuilt in Baroque style in 1732. In 1830, it was rebuilt in classicist style. From the perspective of Polish history, it is extremely important. It housed Polish soldiers interned by the Kingdom of Hungary during the Second World War. Prisoners of war came in large numbers to Sunday masses and other religious ceremonies. Soldiers from the Sárvár camp were transferred to Kiscenk after its dissolution in April 1941. To commemorate the fact that the church was a meeting place for Polish soldiers, a plaque has been built into the wall, on which an inscription in two languages - Polish and Hungarian - reads: "In this church Polish soldiers prayed inter. to God for the freedom of their homeland and the glory of Hungary in 1939-1941".

Time of origin:

1645, reconstruction 1732, reconstruction 1830 and 1926-1927


Franciszek Nádasdy (wojskowy; Węgry)



Ostatnia aktualizacja:



Andrzej Pawłowski
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St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár Photo showing St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár Gallery of the object +1
St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár, photo Andrzej Pawłowski, 2023
Memorial plaque on the Church of St Vladislav in Sárvár Photo showing St. Vladislav Church in Sárvár Gallery of the object +1
Memorial plaque on the Church of St Vladislav in Sárvár, photo Oxmon, 2013

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