Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics
Inscription from the gravestone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics
Inscription from the gravestone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics
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ID: NGR-000781-P/841

Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics

St Michael's Cemetery in Riga
ID: NGR-000781-P/841

Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics

The burial place is marked by a three-part stele on a two-stage base - in the centre a cross on a pedestal, on its sides vertical blocks connected by a horizontal beam, a two-part pedestal - in the upper part a plaque with a ritual inscription (1). polished limestone, indented inscription, in the lower part a plaque with a ritual inscription (2), the stele forms a whole with the fence of the burial place (concrete posts with ladder fences) placed on the base, on the pedestal, on a matt grey plaque carved in stone, convex inscription black smoothly polished.



Time of origin:

ca. 1960

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 2 Tomb number 4


185 x 165 x 28 cm

Additional dimensions:

fence - 43 x 560 x 250


concrete/jewel concrete, limestone, iron

Additional information:

sector 17 according to the administrative plan of the cemetery

State of preservation:

numerous cavities, biological layers, cracks, cavities, insults, schropowacenia


  • Karta dokumentacyjna obiektu zabytkowego poza granicami kraju, dokumentacja cmentarza w Rydze, 2012, zasób przechowywany w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Warszawa, 11/C/13, 11/B/13A


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

dr Magalena Tarnowska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
see more Text translated automatically
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021. Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics Gallery of the object +4
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021. Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics Gallery of the object +4
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021. Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics Gallery of the object +4
Tombstone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
Inscription from the gravestone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021. Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics Gallery of the object +4
Inscription from the gravestone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska
Inscription from the gravestone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021. Photo showing Gravestone of Andrey Zaleskievich, Rozalia Zaleskievich, Genoveva Zaleskievics Gallery of the object +4
Inscription from the gravestone of Andrei Zaleskevich, Rozalia Zaleskevich, Genoveva Zaleskievics, St Michael's cemetery in Riga, as of 2021., photo dr Magalena Tarnowska

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