Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery, Kyiv, as of 2021, photo Przybylińska Daria
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński
Fragment of the tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021, photo Przybylińska Daria
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński
Fragment of the tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021, photo Przybylińska Daria
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński
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ID: NGR-000459-P/495

Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński

Bajkowa cemetery
ID: NGR-000459-P/495

Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński

Burial site marked by a two-stage plinth on a granite base with an unpreserved finial. The first step of the plinth with corrugated top edges. The second step of the plinth in the form of a high pedestal on which is an open book with a ritual inscription (2). On the panel at the front an engraved inscription (1). The whole is enclosed by three bays of fence. The fence posts ended with arrowheads, framed in the upper part by two transverse beams. Every second post in the lower part has decorative forms resembling the letter X.


(1.) Ś. P. / KALIKST KOZACZYŃSKI / żył lat 83, + 16 maja 1899 r. / prosi o modlitwe. //.
(2.) Błogosławieni / czystego serca / albowiem / oni Boga / oglądają / Ew. Mat. IV. 2 //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 7 (new cemetery) Tomb number 2


130 x 68 x 62 cm

Additional dimensions:

Fence - 85 cm x 133 cm x 200 cm


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), sandstone, cast iron

Additional Information about materials:

gravestone monument made of grey sandstone on a light grey granite base. Cast iron fence

State of preservation:

unmaintained fence, non-maintained finial

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

one fence span missing


  • Karta katalogowa obiektu, plan i dokumentacja cmentarza Bajkowa w Kijowie w ramach projektu "Байкове кладовище в києві інвентаризаційні дані", w opracowaniu, 2021-2022, 339
  • Karta dokumentacyjna obiektu zabytkowego poza granicami kraju, dokumentacja cmentarza Bajkowa w Kijowie, 2010/2011, zasób przechowywany w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Warszawa, 6N/C/5

Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Daria Przybylińska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
see more Text translated automatically
Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery, Kyiv, as of 2021 Photo showing Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery, Kyiv, as of 2021, photo Przybylińska Daria
Fragment of the tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021 Photo showing Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of the tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021, photo Przybylińska Daria
Fragment of the tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery, Kyiv, as of 2021 Photo showing Tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczyński Gallery of the object +2
Fragment of the tombstone of Kalikst Kozaczynski, Bajkova cemetery in Kiev, as of 2021, photo Przybylińska Daria

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