Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska
Tombstone of Małgorzata Buchaj, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska
Tombstone of Stanisława Lachomska, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska
Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska
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ID: NGR-000309-P/344

Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska

Bajkowa cemetery
ID: NGR-000309-P/344

Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska

Burial place marked by a stele on a base with two bands in front. On the stele an engraved cross, below on the left an oval panel with a photograph, below an engraved inscription (1). The photograph shows a bust of a woman en face. She is wearing a blouse and jacket, with a lace headdress on her head and her hair is visibly pulled back. Below, on the right, an oval panel with a photograph, below an engraved inscription (2). In the photograph is a bust of a woman. Her head turned slightly to the left. She is wearing a blouse and her hair is visibly pulled back. The monument in a common quadrangle with the gravestone of Wiktoria Lachomska, enclosed at the front, back and right by a fence consisting of rods and tubes, decorated with circles. At the corners, taller posts ending in rectangular caps.


 MAŁGORZATA BUCHAJ / um. 1923 voku / STANISŁAWA / LACHOMSKA / uv 1886 - um 1965 voku. //.


Time of origin:

ca. 1965-1968

Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 6 (old cemetery) Tomb number 4


181 x 66 x 30 cm

Additional dimensions:

fencing: 49 x 310 x 230


coloured magmatic rocks (granite, syenite and others), labradorite, dark magmatic rocks (basalt, diabase, gabbro, monzonite and others), iron, porcelain / faience / porcelite

Additional Information about materials:

quarters tiled with granite and labradorite, photograph on porcelain


  • Karta katalogowa obiektu, plan i dokumentacja cmentarza Bajkowa w Kijowie w ramach projektu "Байкове кладовище в києві інвентаризаційні дані", w opracowaniu, 2021-2022, 116
  • Karta dokumentacyjna obiektu zabytkowego poza granicami kraju, dokumentacja cmentarza Bajkowa w Kijowie, 2010/2011, zasób przechowywany w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Warszawa, 4/D/8


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

dr Magdalena Olszewska, Agnieszka Tymińska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
see more Text translated automatically
Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska Gallery of the object +3
Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
Tombstone of Małgorzata Buchaj Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska Gallery of the object +3
Tombstone of Małgorzata Buchaj, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
Tombstone of Stanisława Lachomska Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska Gallery of the object +3
Tombstone of Stanisława Lachomska, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska
Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska Photo showing Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska Gallery of the object +3
Gravestone of Małgorzata Buchaj, Stanisława Lachomska, Wiktoria Lachomska, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska

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