Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Photo showing Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski
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ID: NGR-014249-P/98137

Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski

St Michael's Cemetery in Riga
ID: NGR-014249-P/98137

Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski

Burial site marked by an angel figure on a two-stage plinth and base. Figure on its own base. The angel is kneeling. Head slightly bowed, facing left, long hair falling down back. He is holding a floral festoon. Wings visible. The plinth framed on the sides by lower cuboids, originally used as fence posts. On the front of the pedestal in a panel a marble plaque with an engraved inscription. The monument in a common plot with the tombstone of Jadwiga Rudakowa. The whole is enclosed by a fence originally consisting of steel pipes connected to perpendicular posts.


Ś + P / WLADYSLAW CZERNIEWSKI / UR. 1884. – UM. 1957. //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:


Lokalizacja nagrobka:

Sector number 20 Tomb number 11


160 x 103 x 71 cm

Additional dimensions:

width of monument without posts: 62, angel: 69 x 47 x 35, fence: 54 x 245 x 268


marble, concrete/jewel concrete, terrazzo, steel

Additional Information about materials:

concrete base, cast concrete angel

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

Tombstone after conservation in 2021 (Polonica).


  • Karta dokumentacyjna obiektu zabytkowego poza granicami kraju, dokumentacja cmentarza w Rydze, 2012, zasób przechowywany w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Warszawa


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

dr Magdalena Olszewska

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski Photo showing Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski Photo showing Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski Photo showing Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski Gallery of the object +2
Tombstone of Wladyslaw Czerniewski, photo dr Magdalena Olszewska, 2022, all rights reserved

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