Sculpture on the door of the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome, photo Maciek.malec, 2018
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Sculptures by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome
Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome, photo Maciek.malec, 2018
License: CC BY-SA 4.0, License terms and conditions
Photo showing Sculptures by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome
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ID: POL-000806-P/95410

Sculptures by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome

ID: POL-000806-P/95410

Sculptures by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome

Variants of the name:

Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

The works of the Polish sculptor will be seen at the Piazza della Repubblica in Rome. On the wings of the doors to the basilica we will see two sculptures in gilded bronze. Upon entering the basilica, to the right is a marble sculpture by the same artist. The sculpture 'Saint John the Baptist' depicts the beheaded head of John the Baptist, given on a tray at Herod's request.

Related persons:


Igor Mitoraj (rzeźbiarz; Polska, Niemcy, Francja, Włochy)(preview)



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Sculpture on the door of the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome Photo showing Sculptures by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome Gallery of the object +1
Sculpture on the door of the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome, photo Maciek.malec, 2018
Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome Photo showing Sculptures by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome Gallery of the object +1
Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj in the Basilica of Our Lady of Angels and Martyrs in Rome, photo Maciek.malec, 2018

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