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Cyprian Godebski, pomnik generała Adolphe’a Le Flô, 1897-1899, brąz, cokół kamienny z płaskorzeźbami z białego marmuru, Lesneven, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2010
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Monument to General Adolphe Le Flô in Lesneven
Cyprian Godebski, pomnik generała Adolphe’a Le Flô, 1897-1899, brąz, cokół kamienny z płaskorzeźbami z białego marmuru, Lesneven, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2010
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Monument to General Adolphe Le Flô in Lesneven
Cyprian Godebski, pomnik generała Adolphe’a Le Flô, 1897-1899, brąz, cokół kamienny z płaskorzeźbami z białego marmuru, Lesneven, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2010
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Monument to General Adolphe Le Flô in Lesneven
Cyprian Godebski, pomnik generała Adolphe’a Le Flô, 1897-1899, brąz, cokół kamienny z płaskorzeźbami z białego marmuru, Lesneven, photo Andrzej Pieńkos, 2010
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytut Polonika, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Monument to General Adolphe Le Flô in Lesneven
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ID: POL-001359-P

Monument to General Adolphe Le Flô in Lesneven

ID: POL-001359-P

Monument to General Adolphe Le Flô in Lesneven

Variants of the name:
Pomnik generała Adolphe’a Le Flô

Godebski used the traditional monumental formula in the spirit of 19th-century academism: a standing figure of the general in uniform on a high plinth, the plinth is decorated with four bas-reliefs depicting important episodes in the life of the commander and diplomat: the capture of the Algerian fortress of Constantine in 1837, the battle against the Arabs, the speech at the French National Assembly in 1849, and the audience with Tsar Alexander II. This is a forgotten, and certainly one of the most outstanding, works by an active artist in France, revealing his talent as a sculptor and his ability to win commissions. General Le Flô, born in Lesneven, was the French ambassador to St Petersburg from 1871 to 1879, and Godebski met him there. The artist, having learned of the general's death, invoking this acquaintance, immediately offered his services to the Lesneven town council and easily obtained permission to realise the sculpture for a substantial fee of 13,357 francs. Godebski made the plaster model in his atelier in Carrara. Unveiled almost exactly at the same time as the Adam Mickiewicz monument in Warsaw, the Breton monument in Godebski's oeuvre is an artistically more momentous achievement. Godebski, as in the much earlier monument to the cellist Adrien-Franҫois Servais in Belgium, made excellent use of his sense of realism in the figure of Le Flô, with a keen eye for the details of uniform, weapons and boots. The general's proud face is one of the best portraits in Polish sculpture of the late 19th century, while the marble reliefs of the pedestal, unfortunately severely damaged by damp, are unusual in his work.

Related persons:
Time of origin:
1897-1899; unveiling 29.10.1899
Cyprian Godebski (rzeźbiarz; Polska, Francja)(aperçu)
  • Anonim, „Tygodnik Ilustrowany”, 1899, t. 2, s. 895.
  • G.M. Thomas, Notes sur la statue du général Le Flô, „Cahiers de l’Iroise”, 4, 1987, octobre-decembre, s. 203-204.
  • S. Pisarska-Leclère, Un Polonais en Finistère, „Art de l’Ouest”, 1993, s. 214-221.
  • F. Tanter, Notre-Dame-des-Naufragés à la Pointe du Raz, w: Chretientés de Basse-Bretagne et d’ailleurs. Les archives au risque de l’Histoire. Mélanges offerts au chanoine J.-F. Le Floch, red. Y. Celton et al., Quimper 1998, s. 344.
  • A. Pieńkos, Skały, menhiry, Polacy (w Bretanii), „Mówią wieki”, 2010, nr 9/10, s. 51-55.
  • A. Pieńkos, Cypriana Godebskiego zapomniane spotkania z Bretanią, „Spotkania z zabytkami”, 2012, nr 1-2, s. 62-64.
  • A. Pieńkos, „Cyprien Godebski et sa position inter-nationale à Paris à l’époque de Gautier et de Bourdelle”, „Rocznik Historii Sztuki” 44, 2019, s. 120-121.
  • W zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie fotografia z pracowni Godebskiego w Carrarze ukazuje stojące koło siebie gipsowe figury Mickiewicza i Le Flo..
prof. Andrzej Pieńkos
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