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ID: POL-001566-P

St Michael the Archangel Church in Czyški

ID: POL-001566-P

St Michael the Archangel Church in Czyški

The history of the parish in Czyški goes back as far as the 15th century. However, the earliest mention of the Czyški church building itself comes from the end of the 16th century. In 1591, it was consecrated by Dymitr Solikowski, archbishop of Lviv. We may suspect that the construction of the temple was a consequence of an earlier donation by Jan of Pleszowice Fredro. We know from the visitation protocol of the mid-17th century that the church was then described as old and that it had a bell tower standing separately (in the cemetery).

At the end of the second decade of the 18th century, Aleksander Lipski, heir of Czyszki, made a donation to the church, while his wife funded a new wooden structure, which was built in 1720. We know of this building that it had a bell tower with three bells, while inside there were three altars - the main one and two side ones. These had, in turn, paintings depicting: St Michael the Archangel, Our Lady feeding the Child and St Anthony of Padua. The earlier wooden structure was not completely destroyed, however, as the chancel of the older church was converted into a chapel. Between 1778 and 1780, the church was extensively renovated by the architect Zeman of Přemysl. Another renovation awaited the wooden church in 1836.

20th century
All of these were wooden structures; the last one, built in 1864, burned down in March 1912. After this event, services were held in the chapel in the cemetery. As early as 1915, the construction of a new church began, but work was probably delayed due to the First World War. As late as 1928, the Czyški parish church was not ready; in that year, the construction of the neo-Gothic project, whose author was engineer Eustachy Kossonogi, was stopped and its modification was entrusted to another engineer, Lyudmila Gyurkovich, and although the church was still not sealed at the end of the year, services began to be held there already. Gyurkovich had previously studied in Vienna and at the Lvov Polytechnic, and by the Second World War, seven other churches had been built according to his designs, while three others had been extended. The architect's idea was primarily functional, but he supplemented this with historicising details, betraying his knowledge of Gothic and Baroque. We can suspect that, to some extent at least, the architect was constrained by the unfinished church designed by his predecessor.

The church of St Michael the Archangel, restored in 1990, is a masonry structure using concrete in its construction and detailing. It was built on a cruciform plan. The church consists of a nave, single-span transept arms and a presbytery with a trilateral closure, to which the sacristy and auxiliary rooms are symmetrical with respect to each other. The church was cross vaulted. The interior of the nave and transept is articulated by wall-mounted pillars which carry the vaulted arches marking the bays. The choir is built into the bay of the nave.

The single-storey façade is topped off with a triangular gable. Its divisions are marked by buttresses. The entrance to the church is protected by a small canopy supported by two Ionic columns. The church has a metal-covered multi-pitched roof.

The church in Czyški is a temple with a rather austere character, which may have been related to the limited financial resources that went into its construction.

Church equipment:
At the pillar of the rainbow arch, the church has a pulpit with a concrete basket. In the church we also find the epitaph plaque of August of Grodno, Count Łoś, MP in the Sejm and adjutant to General Józef Bem, as well as his wife Joanna and their grandchildren, Maria and Adam.

We also know that before 1938 the church had a bell funded by Andrzej Seredyński.

Time of origin:
Before 1591 (original wooden construction), 1720, 1778-80, 1864, 1915-1939
Zeman z Przemyśla (architekt; obwód lwowski)(aperçu), Eustachy Kossonoga (inżynier; Lwów)(aperçu), Ludomił Gyurkovich (inżynier; Lwów, Łuck)(aperçu)
  • Tomasz Zaucha, „Kościół parafialny p.w. Św. Michała Archanioła w Czyszkach”, [w:] „Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczpospolitej”, red. J. K. Ostrowski, cz. III: „Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego”, Kraków 1995, t. 3, s. 47-51.
Supplementary bibliography:

Tomasz Zaucha, Kościół parafialny p.w. Św. Michała Archanioła w Czyszkach , [in:] Materiały do dziejów sztuki sakralnej na ziemiach wschodnich dawnej Rzeczpospolitej, ed. J. K. Ostrowski, cz. III: Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego, vol. 3, Kraków 1995, pp. 47-51

Magdalena Puchalska
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