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photo 1938, Domaine public
Photo montrant Ludomir Rogowski
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ID: OS-007407-P

Ludomir Rogowski

ID: OS-007407-P

Ludomir Rogowski

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Ludomir Michał Rogowski, born in Lublin and who died in Dubrovnik, was a Polish conductor, composer and writer. He began his musical education in Warsaw, where he studied conducting and composition and later continued his studies at the prestigious music centres of Leipzig, Munich and Rome. His career gained momentum in Vilnius, where he founded a symphony orchestra and served as its chief conductor for several years. Then, he moved to Paris, where he quickly gained international recognition. His compositions were performed in major European and American cities such as Paris, Brussels, New York, Warsaw and Prague.

Rogowski was also the author of the book Music of the Future, which sparked widespread public discussion. After the end of World War I, he returned to Poland, where he continued his career as a conductor in various theatres. In 1926, seeking inspiration in the beauty of the sun and sea, he discovered Dubrovnik for himself. There, in the seclusion of the St James' Monastery, he found peace and the opportunity to explore music more deeply, away from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

Rogowski gained a second homeland in Dubrovnik, where he felt fully accepted and understood. His life there was characterised by simplicity and modesty, as well as close contact with nature and the local community. He made his living by giving music lessons and also as an accompanist. He also experienced his great love in Dubrovnik - Dora, an opera singer, was a source of inspiration and joy for him.

Ludomir Michal Rogowski was also a highly regarded composer whose output includes seven symphonies, a violin concerto, suites including 'Dubrovnik Impressions' and 'Flashes of the Sea', as well as operas, ballets, cantatas, symphonic songs and chamber music. His oratorio 'The Miracle of St Blaise' was premiered in 1928. He donated all his works and copyrights to the State Archive in Dubrovnik, where they are still kept today as a valuable component of cultural heritage.

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