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ID: NGR-018226-P

Tomb of the Radziejowski family

Maków | Ukraine
ukr. Makiw (Маків)
Maków cemetery
ID: NGR-018226-P

Tomb of the Radziejowski family

Maków | Ukraine
ukr. Makiw (Маків)

A two-part tomb, consisting of a burial crypt and a four-storey plinth on which originally stood a statue under a canopy. The pedestal in the uppermost tier is decorated with a lesbian kimation ornament and accented at the corners with cones [the cones are now lost; only one remains on the south-west side]. The tomb is covered by a rectangular slab framed by a swirling ribbon ornament; the slab has a bas-relief crucifix, the arms of the cross terminating in a trilobed shape, the vertical cross-beam surrounded at the bottom by an elaborate acanthus motif, above the pasion a titulus in octagonal shape and the inscription INRI; the pasion is badly damaged - the legs, head and left hand of Christ are lost.

Time of origin:
18th/19th century.
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de la tombe 9
195 x 280 x 735 cm
Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

The tomb is very dilapidated: moss-covered, with a damaged surface and numerous cavities. The object requires immediate restoration

Date of documentation:
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Author of the documentation sheet:
Joanna Dembowska-Butkiewicz
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