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ID: dok-000497-P

Cemetery in Luczyniec

Łuczyniec | Ukraine
ukr. Łuczynecʹ (Лучинець)
ID: dok-000497-P

Cemetery in Luczyniec

Łuczyniec | Ukraine
ukr. Łuczynecʹ (Лучинець)

The Catholic cemetery in Luczyniec lies close to the parish church. Zbigniew Hauser reports that it is a densely overgrown cemetery and many gravestones are in a residual state. We were able to read 10 inscriptions in Polish of which two seemed particularly interesting. The inscription on the grave of Konstanty Towiański, who died in 1867, has an elaborate rhymed form. An inscription with the same content also appears on another tombstone, nevertheless only the beginning can be read on it. The tombstone of Feliks Staniszewski (d. 1906) bears an inscription referring to the exile of the buried. Its contents show that Staniszewski was buried with a piece of bread from his home village, which he had taken with him into exile for his participation in the January Uprising. It ends with the formula: , 'In the world you will have tribulation / but trust / I have overcome the world'. The tombstone has the form of an unformed rock without a cross. Hauser's attention was also drawn to the cippus tombstone of a Polish army major's daughter Pelagia Buszczyńska. Hauser noted that Poles are also buried in the new cemetery, but the inscriptions are now in Ukrainian.

Cemetery with Polish grave monuments. Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).

  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. IV, „Województwa: wołyńskie, podolskie, bracławskie i kijowskie”, Kraków 2009, s. 281-283.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Alicja Czuber-Filonik
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