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ID: dok-000510-P

Cemetery in Miedzyboż

Międzybóż | Ukraine
ukr. Medżybiż (Меджибіж)
ID: dok-000510-P

Cemetery in Miedzyboż

Międzybóż | Ukraine
ukr. Medżybiż (Меджибіж)

The 'old' cemetery in Miedzyboż stretched around a rotunda chapel with a portico dating from 1800, which, although preserved, is badly devastated. Unfortunately, the cemetery has not survived. The "new" cemetery in Miedzyboż is situated a little further to the left of the road to Jarosławka village. It was established in the 1830s. Zbigniew Hauser found literally a few tombstones of rather low artistic value there in 2001. Among them, two definitely stood out. One was a stone obelisk erected for Colonel Andrzej Korczewski, who died in 1849. The other stately monument was made of white marble and topped with a column, but it is a monument with a Russian inscription, but most likely erected, as the wording of the name indicates, to a tsarist officer of Polish origin - Alojzy Oranowski. Zbigniew Hauser also draws attention to the magnificent monument on the grave of Kazimiera Gołębiowska, of which a high plinth has survived, but no longer without the cross. The cemetery must have fallen into even greater disrepair and oblivion over the years, because 2019 from the fragments of about 20 gravestones found in the cemetery (about 5 hectares), only two inscriptions could be read from among those reported by Hauser, namely that of Józefa Brzozowska and a small fragment from the inscription read by Hauser from the gravestone of Colonel Andrzej Karczewski .

Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).

  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • „Nekropolis. Projekt inwentaryzacji polskich cmentarzy na Podolu„”, katalog on-line,
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. IV, „Województwa: wołyńskie, podolskie, bracławskie i kijowskie”, Kraków 2009, s. 285-287.
  • „Inskrypcje polskich grobów na cmentarzach Podola. T. 1, Czerwonogród, Jagielnica, Jazłowiec, Kupin, Mielnica Podolska, Międzybóż, Salówka, Stara Sieniawa, Zaleszczyki”, red. W. Drelicharz, t. 1, Kraków 2004..
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Alicja Czuber-Filonik
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