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Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Joanna Barańska
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families
Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Joanna Barańska
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families
Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families, Ternopil cemetery, state of 2016, photo Joanna Barańska
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families
ID: NGR-011841-P

Tomb of the Kulinski and Schenkirzyk families

The tomb is rectangular in plan, covered with a two-storey slab with a stylised chapel at the top. The chapel covered by a gabled roof with a dodger, originally surmounted by a cross, decorated with a pavement frieze. In the tympanum an engraved inscription (1). In the centre a precipitous panel enclosed by a segmental arch, on which are five mounts and an engraved inscription (2). To the left and right of the inscription panels (3, 4). Plates with chamfered upper corners with glazing on walls and fluted edges. On second step of slabs cast-iron small fence with posts surmounted by a ball, joined by cast-iron pipes. On the first step of the slab at the front an engraved inscription (5). The sides of the tomb rusticated. To the front the entrance to the tomb, closed with a cast-iron door. Each of the wings divided into two quarters (with horizontal moulding), which are filled with mouldings intersecting at an angle, at the intersection of which cast-iron circles, fixed with a rivet. Entrance flanked by two panels with a ritual inscription(6)(7). To the rear, to the rear wall of the tomb, a cast-iron seat with relief carved mesh motif, the handrails made of tubes at the bend connected by spheres. On the first step of the slab, on the back wall, in a frame, decorated in the corners with square motifs, an engraved inscription (8). To the front, an openwork fence supported on six posts (the side posts surmounted by a ball; at the gate a carved diamond (?) ball). Double-leaf gate with buttressed escutcheons.
NIECH / ODPOCZYWAJĄ / W POKOJU //. ANTONI KULIŃSKI / b. radny miasta / Tarnopola / -- //. Jeżeli będziesz / baczył nieprawości / PANIE: PANIE / któż się ustoi? / (Ps. 129) //. JAM JEST /  zmartwychwstanie / [i?] żywo[t] / kto wierzy we mnie / choćby umarł / żyć będzie / [wiecznie] //. GROBOWIEC KUKLIŃSKICH [de] POKORA //. -- / Tu spoczywa / EMILIA KULIŃSKA / zmarła w ósmej wiośnie życia / w sobotę wielkanocną roku 1874 / Przeniesiona do grobowca za / staraniem brata Antoniego / w r. 1880 / -- //.  Tu spoczywa / WINCENTY KULIŃSKI / Przemysłowiec obywatel m. Tarnopola / i uczestnik powstania z r. 1863 / Doczesne pielgrzymowanie zakończył / 11go lipca 18[9?]8 roku / mając lat 63. / -- / Tu spoczywa / ANTONI SCHENKIRZYK / c. k. urzędnik sądowy / zmarł 22go Czerwca 1893 / Przeżywszy lat 55. / -- / -- //. POD OPIEKĄ BOGA I DOBRYCH LUDZI //.
Time of origin:
Emplacement de la pierre tombale:
Numéro de la tombe 6
260 x 184 x 282 cm
Additional dimensions:
finial: H 124, W 157, D 36
concrete/jewel concrete, sandstone
State of preservation:
mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities, inscription partly obliterated, non-maintained finial
  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004.
Date of documentation:
Author of the documentation sheet:
Joanna Barańska, Monika Krzepińska
Development / approval of the documentation sheet:
Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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