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ID: dok-000831-P

Cemetery in Nieciecz

ID: dok-000831-P

Cemetery in Nieciecz

Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography). According to Anna Lewkowska, Jacek Lewkowski and Wojciech Walczak, the church square in Nieciecz where the cemetery is located has a rectangular plan and a 0.25 ha area fenced with a stone wall. The cemetery "preserves a dozen or so tombstones located on the south-western side." The oldest, from 1832, commemorates Rozalia Laskowiczowa. The inscription reads: "D. O. M. / ROZALIA Z ESYMONTÓW / STANISŁAWOWA / LASKOWICZOWA / ZDARŁ 8 LIPCA 1832 Ru . IN 33 YEARS. LIVING / a distressed husband with his 5-year-old daughter / KAMILLA laid this stone". Fr Edward Zdanowicz, who died in Siberia, is also buried in the cemetery. It is worth noting the inscription from the gravestone of Franciszek Czerniel: "FRANCISZEK CZERNIEL / Ż. 50 L. / ZAMORD. 26 KW. / 1943 R."

According to Lewkowski and Walczak, the active Catholic cemetery is located outside Nieciecza, 250 m from the church. It has a rectangular plan, 07 ha in area, and is surrounded by a stone wall and a metal fence. After the cited authors: "The cemetery is dominated by unstyled gravestones from the 1st half of the 20th century and contemporary ones, a dozen or so gravestones from the 2nd half of the 19th century have been preserved, the oldest of which is a granite slab on the grave of Aniela and Szymon Radziukiewicz (...). In the northern part of the cemetery there is a grave of Home Army soldiers. It is a low obelisk made of stones, opposite the obelisk there is a rectangular section with 24 concrete crosses. On the obelisk a plaque with the inscription: "ŻOŁNIERZOM / I I IV BATALIONU 77 PUŁKU PIECHOTY / ARMII KRAJOWEJ / POLEGŁYM WALKACH ZA POLSKĘ / NA ZIEMI NOWOGRÓDZKIEJ / 1941 - 1945" The quarters were cleaned up and the obelisk made by the efforts of the Foundation for the Protection of Monuments from Warsaw in 1992. Near the obelisk there is a metal cross, placed by the Guard of Polish Graves from Wrocław. (...) The state of preservation of the cemetery is good."

  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007.
Bartłomiej Gutowski, Dawid Mendrek
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