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ID: POL-000146-P/57614

Caffè Greco in Rome

ID: POL-000146-P/57614

Caffè Greco in Rome

Variants of the name:

Antico Caffè Greco
Nicola della Maddalena founded this café, the oldest in the city, in 1760.
One of the rooms, the Omnibus room, was frequented by artists who came from Poland. On the wall hangs a list entitled. "Polish regulars at Caffè Greco" with miniatures of Polish artists. They include: Mickiewicz, Brodzki, Gierymski, Krasinski, Kraszewski, Madeyski, Matejko, Norwid, Okuń, Parandowski, Przerwa-Tetmajer, Reymont, Rygier, Siemiradzki, Sienkiewicz, Stankiewicz, Słowacki, Weloński, Żeromski. The room also features a photograph of Czesław Miłosz with his poem 'Caffè Greco' translated into Italian.

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