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ID: dok-001065-P/118665

Cemetery in Antopol

ID: dok-001065-P/118665

Cemetery in Antopol

In Antopol, Zbigniew Hauser found no traces of the cemetery, but in the manor park surrounding the Czetwertyński palace, devastated fragments of the building have survived - only the front wall with two ogival windows and an oculus above them has survived. According to local tradition, this is the remains of the burial chapel of the last owner of Antopol - Karol Jaroszyński, an entrepreneur who was one of the richest people in the world before the Bolshevik Revolution and co-founder of the Catholic University of Lublin http:// .

Related persons:


  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. IV, „Województwa: wołyńskie, podolskie, bracławskie i kijowskie”, Kraków 2009, s. 361



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