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ID: dok-000612-P/83114

Cemetery in Cwirki

ID: dok-000612-P/83114

Cemetery in Cwirki

Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography). According to Anna Lewkowska, Jacek Lewkowski and Wojciech Walczak: "The active, Catholic-Orthodox former cemetery of the nobleman's estate is situated among fields, 70 m south of the village buildings. It was established on a rectangular plan, without division into plots and alleys. It is fenced with a wooden fence, with the entrance from the north-west side. It covers an area of approximately 0.12 ha. The cemetery has a definite preponderance of styleless modern gravestones. "Older gravestones have been replaced by newer ones due to lack of space. The oldest, from 1942, belongs to Helena Malkiewicz. Its inscription: 'Here rests / HELENA / MALKIEWICZ / LIVED 60 YEARS / DIED. 15 MARCH 1942. / P. P. O 3 Z M." The cemetery is maintained in good condition.


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis)
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007



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