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ID: dok-000667-P/89216

Cemetery in Dziedzinka

ID: dok-000667-P/89216

Cemetery in Dziedzinka

The active Catholic cemetery, established in the first half of the 19th century, is located on the north-eastern edge of the village. The rectangular-plan cemetery, situated on a slight hill, covers an area of 0.4 ha and is fenced with a wooden fence with an entrance gate on the northern side. An irregular path runs through the cemetery. In the central part there is a contemporary brick cemetery chapel. Graves worth mentioning are those of the Niewęgłowski family, located in the central part of the cemetery. The oldest gravestone in the cemetery - the gravestone of Anna Niewęgłowska of Lewandowska from 1846 - has a cuboidal base composed of boulders. On the base there is a masonry tombstone in the form of three cuboids of different sizes, arranged in a stepped arrangement. The whole is crowned with a cross. Next to it is the tombstone of Wincenty Niewęgłowski from 1859, which has the form of a mound of stone boulders. The inscriptions on both burials are preserved: / TU LEŻY. Ś. P./ ANNA Z LEWANDOWSKICH/NIEWĘGŁOWSKA/ PRESIDENTOWA GRANICZOWA. OF DZIŚNIEŃSKI PTTU/ DIED 1846 R. MARCH 3 D. (Signed: J. Horbacewicz Vilnius) /./ GRÓB/ Ś. P./ WINCENTEGO/ NIEWĘGŁOWSKIGO/ DIED APRIL 18, 1859 / GOD/ GIVE ME Eternal Rest/.
Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis)
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007



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Bartłomiej Gutowski, Salomea Grabowska
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