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ID: dok-000508-P/81499

Horodkivka cemetery

ID: dok-000508-P/81499

Horodkivka cemetery

The Catholic cemetery in Horodkivka (formerly Miastkówka) is located about 1 km south-east of the parish church. The cemetery is well preserved. Almost all tombstones have Polish inscriptions, and most date from the second half of the 19th century. The oldest gravestones, dating from the early 19th century, are the "Podolia" crosses. The earliest dated is the "Podolia" cross of Andrei Perewertniók, who died in 1801. Only a few monuments date from the third decade of the 20th century. Zbigniew Hauser listed 50 identified tombstones and numerous unnamed tombstones, including some with fragments of inscriptions (mainly "Podolia" crosses).

The centre of the necropolis is a cemetery chapel with an opilified façade and an oculus in the tympanum. Inside the chapel is a 6-column altar in the Corinthian order, in the shape of a rotunda. The monuments are varied in form and material. The most interesting gravestones include an unnamed cast-iron column entwined with a garland and surmounted by a vase, and a magnificent white marble monument to Michalina Gnatowska (d. The white marble monument of Michalina Gnatowska (d. 1847) without a cross, decorated with an ornament of a winged ball at the top of its pedestal, as well as the white marble monument of Piotr Gołkowski (d. 1868), whose pedestal without a cross decorated with a relief wavy ornament has survived. The cemetery also contains tombstones in the form of a cross on a pedestal and a column on a pedestal (often with broken or damaged finials), rocks, grave slabs and a knotted cross. The gravestones are both cast iron and stone.

Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. IV, „Województwa: wołyńskie, podolskie, bracławskie i kijowskie”, Kraków 2009, s. 399-403.


Bartłomiej Gutowski, Alicja Czuber-Filonik
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