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ID: dok-001034-P/101430

Cemetery in Slobodka

ID: dok-001034-P/101430

Cemetery in Slobodka

Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Information about the cemetery has been published (see bibliography).
According to Anna Lewkowska, Jacek Lewkowski and Wojciech Walczak, the active Catholic cemetery has a rectangular plan and a 0.2 ha area surrounded by a grid. It is maintained in good condition. To quote the aforementioned authors: "Opposite the entrance in the central part of the cemetery is a contemporary, unstyled cemetery chapel that also serves as a branch church. (...) The cemetery, which has a rural character, was created at the beginning of the 20th century. The predominant number of gravestones dates from the 1st half of the 20th century. The oldest gravestone, located to the left of the chapel, is a terrazzo slab on the grave of Feliks Jaroszewicz (d. 1905)." The inscription from it reads: 'JAROSZEWICZ FELIKS / SON OF ANTONIE / LIVED 75 YEARS / DIED. 15 X 1905. / MEMORY OF SONS". Noteworthy is also the following inscription: "NARKIEWICZ LUCJAN / 6 I 1948 R. / DIED TRAGICZN. DIE CPIJ W CPOKOJU KOCHANY SYNKU I BRAT / NIE WYNESTI GORJA / NIE WYPŁAKAT SLJEZ / TY RADOST I SCZASTJE / S SOBOJU UNIES".


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis).
  • Lewkowska Anna, Lewkowski Jacek, Walczak Wojciech, „Zabytkowe cmentarze na Kresach Wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Województwo wileńskie na obszarze Republiki Białoruś”, Warszawa 2007.


Bartłomiej Gutowski, Dawid Mendrek
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