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ID: dok-000112-P/75792

Old Siole cemetery

ID: dok-000112-P/75792

Old Siole cemetery

Located in the western part of the village and adjacent to the former parish church, the cemetery was probably established in the early 19th century. "Polish" part of this necropolis is very neglected. Most of the gravestones are surrounded by dense overgrowth.

According to Hauser, there are a few gravestones of high artistic and historical value, such as the gravestones of the Wybranowskis, situated deep in the cemetery, among tall grass: a tall monument, several metres high, decorated with a bas-relief sword, crowned with a cross surrounded by drapery and adorned with a coat-of-arms cartouche on the grave of Roman Wybranowski (d. 1853), a colonel in the army. 1853) (a colonel in the Polish army and commander of the Galician National Guard) and his daughter, Ludwika Ujejska, née Wybranowska (died 1858) - a magnificent stone monument topped by a sculpture of a kneeling angel with her arms crossed. Further on there is also the tombstone of Jan and Julia Mach with a large stone cross.

In the central part of the cemetery there are two monuments topped with tall obelisks - one belonging to [...] Rudnicka (d. 1840), supported on crutches, and a now nameless one decorated with a coat-of-arms cartouche, panoplies and torches of life.

Hauser also mentions a Classical monument topped by a vase covered with drapery on the grave of Antonina Michlewska (d. 1897?), a large stone cross with an obliterated inscription of possibly votive character, a magnificent "Podolia" cross with the inscription "Good father - posterity" and a damaged, unnamed column decorated with a coat of arms.

Cemetery with Polish gravestone monuments. Information about the cemetery published (see bibliography).


  • „Cmentarze polskie poza granicami kraju” , raport, oprac. B. Gutowski, Warszawa 2022 (maszynopis)
  • Hauser Zbigniew, „Podróże po cmentarzach Ukrainy”, t. III, „Dawna Małopolska Wschodnia. Województwo lwowskie (część wschodnia)", Kraków 2007, s. 254



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