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ID: POL-000935-P/98899

Graphic by Jerzy Grabowski "Esoterism of Numbers - Study I" at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.

ID: POL-000935-P/98899

Graphic by Jerzy Grabowski "Esoterism of Numbers - Study I" at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.

Graphic by Jerzy Grabowski 'Esoterism of Numbers - Study I' at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. Date of execution unknown.

- "Esoterism of Numbers - Study I", date: ?, relief embossing and colour linocut, 66 x 49.5 cm, gift of Gerald Cerny, catalogue number: 1999.116.11

Related persons:


Jerzy Grabowski (malarz, grafik, rysownik; Polska)(aperçu)


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