Tomb of Wladyslaw Romanowski, photo MKiDN, 2016
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Photo montrant Tomb of Wladyslaw Romanowski
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ID: WOJ-000369-W/99373 (LT-0491)

Tomb of Wladyslaw Romanowski

ID: WOJ-000369-W/99373 (LT-0491)

Tomb of Wladyslaw Romanowski

Władysław Romanowski died on 12 July 1944 as a participant in the fighting for Vilnius. He was buried in the Vilnius Calvary cemetery. In 1996 the monument on his grave was destroyed. In 1997 a new monument was erected with the inscription: "Ś+P / WŁADYSŁAW / ROMANOWSKI / died in the capture of Vilnius / on 12 July 1944 / aged 38 / Left in sorrow / by his wife and children".


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Tomb of Wladyslaw Romanowski
Tomb of Wladyslaw Romanowski, photo MKiDN, 2016

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  • Grób Władysława Romanowskiego
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