Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski
Fragment of Bronislaw Raczynski's tomb, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski
Fragment of Bronislaw Raczynski's tomb, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Photo montrant Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski
ID: NGR-012848-P/88194

Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski

A rectangular tomb on a base, covered with a tombstone and a slab covering a quatrefoil with a vertical rectangular wall on the base. On the front of the panel, in the lower left corner, a relief sun with diagonal rays. The face of the panel is rough. On the left side of the wall a stele with a taller cross protruding in front of its face. To the left of the stele a stone vase. On the base of the wall, in front, a relief inscription (1). On the tombstone four brass entablature mounts and in the upper left corner an engraved inscription (2). On either side of the tombstone along the full length of the slab covering the quatrefoil two bands in the form of cuboidal stone blocks, ending at the front with blocks in the shape of quarter circular cut-outs. On the block at the top right a fragment of the signature of the gravestone's author.


2. BRONISŁAW / RACZYŃSKI / * 5.VI.1865 + 18.VI.1937 //.

Time of origin:

ca. 1940

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 3e Numéro de la tombe 5


245 x 310 x 280 cm


sandstone, copper alloy (bronze, brass or bronze alloy)

Additional Information about materials:

sandstone tomb, brass mountings after entablature

Ceator's signature:

PAK[UŁA] //.


Bronisław Pakuła (zakład kamieniarski; Tarnopol, Ukraina)(aperçu)

State of preservation:

inscription partly obliterated

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

damaged artist's signature, only fragment visible


  • „Inskrypcje nagrobne pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego”, t. 4, „Województwo tarnopolskie, miasto Tarnopol”, pod red. L. Morawieckiego, Rzeszów 2004, s. 174.


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Katarzyna Jachimowicz, Agnieszka Borowiecka

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016. Photo montrant Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Fragment of Bronislaw Raczynski's tomb, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016. Photo montrant Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of Bronislaw Raczynski's tomb, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo Agnieszka Borowiecka
Fragment of Bronislaw Raczynski's tomb, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016. Photo montrant Tomb of Bronislaw Raczynski Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of Bronislaw Raczynski's tomb, Ternopil cemetery, as of 2016., photo Agnieszka Borowiecka

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