Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II
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ID: WOJ-000490-W/107337 (LT-0325)

Graves of Poles murdered in World War II

ID: WOJ-000490-W/107337 (LT-0325)

Graves of Poles murdered in World War II

In the now-active cemetery in Polukunė, there are graves of people who were murdered during World War II: - On 25.06.1941, members of the Front of Lithuanian Activists murdered Father Kazimir Packiewicz of Poluknia and burnt down the church and rectory. Some reports say that 18 parishioners were killed along with the priest. - In a common grave rest two Jan Kuzborski - the younger of the two, who died in 1943, "died a tragic death", as the inscription on his grave says. - Further victims of the war are the Tatrulew family - a doctor and his wife and daughter, the tombstone inscription directly informs that these people were murdered in 1943. - Bronisław Klimczak and his daughter, Malwina Janczewska and her son and Maria Kuzmicka died a tragic death in 1944 - these persons were buried in a common grave. All the graves mentioned are located to the right of the main cemetery avenue.



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Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Photo montrant Graves of Poles murdered in World War II Galerie de l\'objet +3
Graves of Poles murdered in World War II, photo MKiDN, 2016

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