Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents
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ID: WOJ-000402-W/101491 (LT-0331)

Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents

ID: WOJ-000402-W/101491 (LT-0331)

Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents

In the square in front of St Peter and Paul's Church there is a stone commemorating the burial of participants in the January Uprising. Buried here are 11 insurgents who died in combat or were executed in various ways in 1863-1864: Ignacy Brazys, Ludwik Filipowicz, Wojciech Golumb (Vaitiekus Golumbas), Ignacy Grochowski (Ignas Grochovskis), Jan Kasperowicz (Jonas Kasperavičius), Brazdzionis, Antoni Krypajtis (Antanas Krypaitis), Elizeusz Lutkiewicz (Eliziejus Liutkevičius) - one of the uprising's commanders: Antoni Mackiewicz's deputy, Jonas Ločeris, Szymon Malaševski (Simonas Malaševskis), Edvardas Mališevskis, Juozas Novokas, Konstanty Pugaczewski (Konstantinas Pugačevskis), Radušis, Jonas Vaimužis, Andrius Vaitulavičius. The boulder, contemporary in form, bears an inscription in Lithuanian: "1863 metu sukilimo dalyviu palaidotu šioje aikšteje atminimui" ("In honour of the participants of the 1863 uprising buried in this square"). The names of the insurgents are not specified in the inscription.



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Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents Photo montrant Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents Galerie de l\'objet +2
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents, photo MKiDN, 2022
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents Photo montrant Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents Galerie de l\'objet +2
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents, photo MKiDN, 2022
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents Photo montrant Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents Galerie de l\'objet +2
Stone commemorating the burial of January Uprising insurgents, photo MKiDN, 2022

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