photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Bajkowski burial chapel
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ID: ARCH-000010-P/4451

Bajkowski burial chapel

Bajkowa cemetery
ID: ARCH-000010-P/4451

Bajkowski burial chapel

Chapel with the use of Art Nouveau motifs, situated in the upper terrace in a row of chapels, partly recessed into the slope. Set on a square plan, brick, covered with a reinforced concrete slab, originally plastered. Covered by a reinforced concrete marquee roof. Set on a high plinth, the front corners placed on a plinth in the form of rustication. The façade is surmounted by a gable higher than the roof, originally closed at a rectangular angle and bearing a plaque with a bas-relief inscription and a wreath on the sides, now lost and shattered. Fragments of it are in front of the entrance. Inscription now partially legible [G]ROBY / [R]ODZINY / [GER]ARD BAYKOWSKI //. Typeface flowing, with Art Nouveau forms. On the axis of the façade, a low rectangular entrance opening in a wider deep entrance niche with pillars on the sides with heads decorated with a motif of Greek crosses and stylised wings. On the pillars to the front are representations of angels on their own two-stage plinths. Concrete casting technique, reinforced with iron bars. Executed in convex relief, full-plastic in the upper part. Both angels with their heads slightly bent downwards, hands folded in a gesture of prayer. Dressed in long, folded robes, girdled at the waist. Underneath, bare feet and hands protrude. Wings spread out pointing upwards. The hair is long and falls to the shoulders. The faces look sad. There was originally a plaque above the entrance opening. The concrete cladding is fragmentarily preserved, decorated with glazing on the front, the side elevations plain. In the interior on the axis opposite the entrance was an altar, above which was a rectangular niche. On the sides, shelves for coffins. A burial cellar under the floor. Entrance opening closed by a metal door with straps and knockers with flowing lines.

Time of origin:

ca. 1910


Gerard Bakjkowski, possibly also Jozefat Bajkowski (d. 1911), was a pichen in the chapel.

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

Chapel in very poor condition. Knocked down finial, only fragmentary surviving plaster, loss of bricks, crumbling mortar. In the right rear corner, bricks completely removed form an opening to the entrance. Roof in better condition, with minor losses and cracks. Determination of structural condition requires survey. The plaque with the inscription was still partly on the façade around 2010.


Date of documentation:




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Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Photo montrant Bajkowski burial chapel
photo Bartłomiej Gutowski

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