Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006, photo autorzy karty, 2006
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Gniewoszów burial chapel
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006, photo autorzy karty, 2006
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Gniewoszów burial chapel
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006, photo autorzy karty, 2006
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo montrant Gniewoszów burial chapel
ID: NGR-001753-P/1907

Gniewoszów burial chapel

The chapel is located on an east-west axis, built on a rectangular plan with a semicircular closed chancel (approx. 20 m2). A brick building, plastered on both sides, on a plinth, covered with a gable roof covered with tinned sheet metal, with a conical roof over the presbytery. The elevations are surrounded by a profiled cornice interrupted above the portal in the single-axis façade with a triangular gable in sections, truncated at the top and surmounted by a cross. The portal is flanked by Ionic pilasters supporting a cornice with an overhanging triangular pediment. In its field depicted in profile and in bust is a bas-relief Christ wearing a crown of thorns and carrying a cross, framed by the letters A and Ω. The portal is flanked by rectangular niches closed with semicircles, originally with figures in them. Above the entrance opening in the frame an engraved inscription (1). Above it a panel with an uplift, in it a shield of arms with h. Rawicz. At the height of the lower edge of the panel, inscribed plaques (2). Side elevations with semicircularly closed window openings and with secondary woodwork. Pilasters on the corners. At the rear on the axis a circular window opening. The façade is preceded by a brick crypt with a roof forming a kind of terrace, accessed by five steps on the sides, enclosing the entrance opening to the crypt. Above it is a closed semicircular base, in which originally a cross was placed, now partially lost. Inside the chapel is an architectural altar.



Time of origin:


Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de la tombe 1


sheet, brick

State of preservation:


Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

The chapel, destroyed after the Second World War, was renovated around 2000. A new ceiling, roof and plasterwork were laid and new woodwork was made.


  • Karta dokumentacyjna obiektu zabytkowego poza granicami kraju, powiat buczacki, zbiór przechowywany w Ministerstwie Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Warszawa.
  • „Cmentarze dawnego powiatu buczackiego”, pod redakcją Anny Sylwii Czyż Bartłomieja Gutowskiego, Warszawa 2017, 600-601


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006 Photo montrant Gniewoszów burial chapel Galerie de l\'objet +2
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006, photo autorzy karty, 2006
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006 Photo montrant Gniewoszów burial chapel Galerie de l\'objet +2
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006, photo autorzy karty, 2006
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006 Photo montrant Gniewoszów burial chapel Galerie de l\'objet +2
Gniewoszów burial chapel, cemetery in Potok Złoty, state from 2006, photo autorzy karty, 2006

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