Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families
Fragment of the chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families
Fragment of the chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0, Source: Instytuty Polonika
Photo montrant Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families
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ID: ARCH-000008-P/4449

Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families

Bajkowa cemetery
ID: ARCH-000008-P/4449

Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families

Chapel in the lower terrace of the chapel row, partly recessed into the slope of the upper terrace. A chapel of neo-Gothic forms, set on a near-square ground plan, brick, plastered inside and out, alluding to classicist forms. It probably has Klein ceilings (a similar solution is used in the neighbouring chapels). It is covered with a low tented roof, probably of reinforced concrete. The building sits on a plinth with projecting pillars flanking the façade, supporting high pinnacles of rich neo-Gothic decoration. The façade closes with a gable much higher than the roof, with a prominent profiled base of a cross at an angle of 45 degrees. The cross on a high profiled plinth decorated with a panel closed with a two-piece arch, profiled with arms ending in a trillium. Currently preserved lower and right arm and reinforcement. On the axis, the entrance opening closed rectangularly, framed by semi-columns, with capitals in the form of acanthus leaves, supporting the crowning portal wimperga decorated with cusps. The vimperga was originally surmounted by an unpreserved cross and flanked by unpreserved pinnacles (only the lower part of the left one survives). The entrance opening is rectangular with a decoration in the form of a relief frieze of five-pointed stars in the lintel. On the axis a preserved figure seated on a pentagonal console with floral decoration. Only the base of the figure, the globe with a serpent and the lower part of the figure - probably Immaculata - are preserved. The tympanum field is repainted blue, framed by archivolts, the first of which is wide, flat with relief inscriptions: on the left: GROBY WERBSKICH //, on the right: I RUSZCZYCKICH //. Between the inscriptions a trilliform decoration. The façade is decorated with alternating strips of bonii with fluted surface. In the side elevations in the corners, stepped scarves. Right pinnacle reinforced by bracketed connection to gable. Pinnacles decorated with cills. In the interior, on the axis opposite the entrance, there is a pointed-arch niche framed by a vimperga surmounted by a cross with rhomboidal ends. There is a secondary photograph in the niche. An inscription plaque was probably placed in the niche. However, the traces of fastening below do not allow us to exclude the fact that the altar mensa was located here. The star vault is imitated by the strip decoration. The fields of the vault are painted blue. There is probably a burial cellar under the floor. The entrance opening originally closed with a card and metal door, fragments of which have survived. Wrought iron grating alluding to neo-Gothic forms.

Time of origin:

ca. 1910


Maria Werbska (née Ruszczycka) died in 1911, so it may have been for her that the chapel
was built around 1911.

Additional information:

Due to the devastation of the interior it has not been possible to establish whether the building is a burial chapel or a mausoleum. In the area of the Bajkowa cemetery in the Orthodox part of the new cemetery there is a chapel of analogous forms both designed by the same architect according to an undetermined pattern.

Comments on the state of preservation and visible restoration:

Devastated interior, ripped doorway, damaged statue, some detailing, lower part of left chakra missing. Secondarily painted No. 15 on the chapel.


Date of documentation:




Ostatnia aktualizacja:


Author of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski
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Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families Photo montrant Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families Galerie de l\'objet +2
Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Fragment of the chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families Photo montrant Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of the chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski
Fragment of the chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families Photo montrant Chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of the chapel of the Verbski and Ruszczycki families, photo Bartłomiej Gutowski

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