Cathédrale de la Sainte-Trinité à Dresde, photo Andreas Praefcke, 2012
Licence: CC BY 3.0, Source: Wikimedia Commons, Conditions d\'autorisation
Photo montrant Holy Trinity Cathedral in Dresden
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ID: pol_info-000305-P/162550

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Dresden

ID: pol_info-000305-P/162550

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Dresden

The Holy Trinity Cathedral in Dresden was founded by King Augustus III of Poland. The building was erected between 1739 and 1751, based on a design by the Italian architect Gaetano Chiavera. The church's crypt contains the sarcophagi of August III, his wife Maria Josefa of the Habsburgs, Friedrich August I of Wettin, and an urn containing the heart of Friedrich August I (King August II the Strong of Poland). Also important to note is a plaque in the church commemorating the Polish martyrs murdered in Dresden: Czesław Jóźwiak, Edward Kaźmierski, Franciszek Kęse, Edward Klinik, Jarogniew Wojciechowski and Grzegorz Frąckowiak. The plaque is placed in one of the side altars.

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Time of origin:



Gaetano Chiaveri (architekt; Rosja, Saksonia, Polska)



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Photo montrant Holy Trinity Cathedral in Dresden
Cathédrale de la Sainte-Trinité à Dresde, photo Andreas Praefcke, 2012

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