Clinique psychiatrique à Münsingen, photo Mike Lehmann, 2007
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Photo montrant Psychiatric clinic in Münsingen
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ID: POL-001917-P/160375

Psychiatric clinic in Münsingen

ID: POL-001917-P/160375

Psychiatric clinic in Münsingen

The construction of the large Irrenanstalt on the north-western outskirts of Münsingen was the result of the increasing concern for the neurologically and mentally ill in the 19th century. The actual work was preceded by several years of conceptual and study work (first work 1880 by A. Tièche) by various architects, but it was François Stempkowski, as cantonal architect, who gave the ensemble its final shape.

Münsingen combined two popular layout types of the 19th-century asylum for the nervously ill of a compact building with corridor-like communication and a complex of free-standing pavilions. The functional division of the various architectures corresponds to the functional division of the most dangerous patients in the isolated buildings. The order of the whole complex is given by a clearly marked axis of symmetry (to which the division into male and female parts of the institution is also subordinated), overlooking the 16th century chateau on whose property the whole institution was built.

It seems that the architectural forms of Schloss Münsingen may to some extent have influenced the stylistic costume of the clinic buildings, which combine the forms of a traditional Swiss chalet with touches of provincial Renaissance and Baroque. The calm atmosphere of the country house was intended to have a therapeutic effect, while the light tones of the facing bricks were also intended to lift spirits. A beautiful interior with a wooden vaulted ceiling is the meeting room (and former chapel) in the so-called Casina, located behind the reception building, which is unfortunately not open to the public.

Several additional pavilions were built over the following decades, but the basic layout of the whole has been preserved. It is worth mentioning that the Münsingen Clinic was famous for its many eminent patients, including Waclaw Nijinsky (1938-1940).

Technical data: brick buildings with brick veneer.

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Franciszek Stempkowski (architekt; Szwajcaria), Adolf Tièche (malarz; Szwajcaria), Karl Otto Lustdorf (Szwajcaria), Friedrich Schneider (kompozytor, dyrygent, pianista, organista; Niemcy)




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Marek Czapelski
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Photo montrant Psychiatric clinic in Münsingen
Clinique psychiatrique à Münsingen, photo Mike Lehmann, 2007

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