War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
Licence: all rights reserved
Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war
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ID: WOJ-000446-W/106558 (LT-0254)

Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

ID: WOJ-000446-W/106558 (LT-0254)

Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war

En 1932, les soldats tués pendant la guerre polono-bolchévique ont été exhumés à Nemenchin et dans les environs - un quartier de guerre a alors été créé dans le cimetière local. Certains ont d'abord été enterrés dans le cimetière local, avant d'être exhumés dans le quartier de guerre. D'autres ont été déplacés des villages voisins - Bezdany, Sużany, Strypuny.

À l'origine, les quartiers étaient beaucoup plus grands qu'aujourd'hui, mais après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ils ont été en partie recouverts de sépultures civiles. Aujourd'hui, il se compose de deux rangées de tombes. La première rangée consiste en un vaste champ de tombes délimité par des bordures basses avec une croix au milieu. 18 soldats inconnus y sont enterrés. La deuxième rangée se compose de 7 tombes séparées, dont les champs de tombes sont délimités par des bordures et les croix sont composées de la même manière que la première rangée. Dans ces tombes reposent Witold Rodziewicz, Konstanty Pasiuk, Waclaw Szymanski et 6 soldats inconnus.

En 2017, à l'initiative de l'Union des Polonais de Lituanie, une commémoration a été installée dans la première rangée du cimetière - une dalle placée sur un piédestal sur laquelle sont gravés les noms des soldats tombés au combat.

L'inscription se lit comme suit : "Poległym / na polu glorliwego w walce / o wolność Ojczyzny / Bednarczy Antoni szer. 1 p.p.leg. 27 IV 1919 / Bednarek Konstanty szer. 5 p.p.leg. 5 V 1919 / Biernacki Antoni kpl. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / Gronkiewicz Adam sergent 6ème p.p.lég. 6 V 1919 / Krajewski Jan sergent 1ère p.p.leg. 23 IV 1919 / Pawlak Józef st.sz.sz. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / Plawgo Bolesław ser. 5 p.p.leg. 4 V 1919 / Plewa Józef ser. 5 p.p.leg. 5 VI 1919 / Reyme Indhe private 5 p.p.leg. 5 V 1919 / Ręk Władysław P.p.p.leg. 5 V 1919 / Rodziewicz Witold st.st.gunner lidzki p.p.leg. 25 XII 1920 / Sawicki Antoni ser. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / Sroczyński Marjan ser. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / Tomtowski Antoni szer. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / Tyburek Franciszek sergent 6ème p.p.lég. 6 V 1919 / Wilkoński Stanisław szer. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / Wolkowski Stanisław szer. 6 p.p.leg. 6 V 1919 / A.D. 2017".

La rénovation des quartiers a été réalisée en 2021-2022 par la Fondation d'aide aux Polonais de l'Est dans le cadre de la tâche cofinancée par le programme du ministre de la Culture et du Patrimoine national "Lieux de mémoire nationale à l'étranger". Pendant les travaux, tous les éléments en béton ont été remplacés par du granit.



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War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery Photo montrant Quarter in the parish cemetery of Polish Army soldiers killed in the Polish-Bolshevik war Galerie de l\'objet +7
War quarters from the years 1919-1920 in the parish cemetery, photo MKiDN, 2022

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