Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel
Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel
Fragment of Adam Żemojtel's tombstone, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
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Photo montrant Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel
ID: NGR-009909-P/79780

Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel

Burial site marked by an obelisk on a three-tier plinth and base, preceded by a rectangular band on the plinth. Preserved fragments of metal pedestal posts at corners of band. Single flight of steps to the left. Base and first step of plinth with chamfered top edges. The second step of the plinth with moulded upper edges, on the front a rectangular panel with a relief inscription. Below in the left-hand corner of the step an engraved inscription. The third step of the pedestal tapering upwards, on the front a panel with chamfered quarter-circle corners, with a relief inscription. In the obelisk on the front an oval recess for a photograph.


1. TU SPOCZYWAJĄ / ZWŁOKI / S. P. / ADAMA / ŻEMOJTELA / 1863 - 1901 //.
2. Cześć Twej pamięci! / Pokój Twoim cieniom!! / Najdroższy Mężu i Ojcze! //.

Related persons:

Time of origin:

ca. 1901-1904

Emplacement de la pierre tombale:

Numéro de secteur 12b (Old Rossa) Numéro de la tombe 131


363 x 98 x 98 cm

Additional dimensions:

headband: 72 x 239 x 269


concrete/jewel concrete, labradorite, grey magmatic rocks (syenite, granodiorite, grey granite and others)

Ceator's signature:



Rudolf Bikner (zakład kamieniarski; Wilno)

Additional information:

according to Lucjan Uziębła's records, the gravestone was originally enclosed by a metal fence

State of preservation:

photograph not preserved, mosses, lichens, cracks, cavities


Date of documentation:




Author of the documentation sheet:

Paulina Berkieta, Anna Wigura

Development / approval of the documentation sheet:

Bartłomiej Gutowski, dr hab. Anna Sylwia Czyż, prof. ucz.
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Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel Galerie de l\'objet +2
Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public
Fragment of Adam Żemojtel's tombstone, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013. Photo montrant Tombstone of Adam Żemojtel Galerie de l\'objet +2
Fragment of Adam Żemojtel's tombstone, Ross Cemetery in Vilnius, as of 2013., photo autorzy karty, Domaine public

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